Oklahoma Trademark Attorneys
For any new or existing business, the registration of a trademark for your brand is key. Oklahoma trademark attorneys, Flat Fee Trademark can offer a personalized service for companies who want to protect their intellectual property.
Flat Fee Trademark is provided by legal attorneys, Minott Gore P.A, to assist with online trademark registration at a flat fee, affordable price. Unlike some other trademark companies, these Oklahoma trademark attorneys are licensed to give you legal advice should you need it. They can mediate in disputes on your behalf and issue Cease & Desist letters if someone is using your brand or logo illegally.
You’ll firstly receive a free consultation call with a licensed attorney who will guide you through the process of trademark registration, and advise on how to use their online comprehensive trademark search and registration application. Should you have any questions during the process, they’ll happily answer them for you.
Once you’ve registered your trademark, you need to file renewal claims, which occur every few years. Flat Fee Trademark will remind you when they are due so you don’t lose your trademark claim.
Flat Fee Trademark can also assist with international trademark registration, for those companies that provide export services around the world.
Clients Requiring an Oklahoma Trademark Attorney
Flat Fee Trademark offers a full and complete insight into trademark infringement, copyright registration, trademark oppositions, trademark renewal as well as international trademark registration.
Flat Fee Trademark also offers trademark services for the more complex trademark matters you may encounter, including:
- Office Action Responses
- Trademark Oppositions before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
- Trademark Petitions (Letters of Protest)
- Requests to Revive an Application, Trademark Cancellation
- Trademark Renewal filings to maintain active trademark registration
- Trademark Monitoring services
- Co-Existence Agreements
- Trademark Assignments and other Intellectual Property Agreements
- Federal Trademark Registration
Flat Fee Trademark covers Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Norman, Broken Arrow, Lawton, Edmond, Moore, Midwest City, Enid, Stillwater, Muskogee, Bartlesville, Owasso, Shawnee, Yukon, Ardmore, Ponca City, Bixby, Duncan, Del City, Sapulpa, Jenks, Mustang, Bethany all other areas of Oklahoma.
For a free consultation, please call one of our trademark attorneys on 1-800-769-7790 or email us using our contact form.