Protect Your Brand Worldwide

Flat Fee Trademark, provide a comprehensive range of international trademark registration services to protect your brand in the global marketplace.

A U.S. registered trademark does not provide protection for your brand name, logo or slogan in other countries unlike an international trademark.

If you’re already doing business outside the United States or you are considering international expansion, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you conduct business outside of the United States?
  • Does your business manufacture products outside of the United States?
  • Do you export products outside of the United States?
  • Do you anticipate significant growth of your brand outside of the United States?
  • Does an international market figure prominently in your marketing efforts?
  • Are you aware of existing or potential competition for your brand name and products outside the United States?

If you answered yes to some or all of these questions, in that case it may be time to consider international trademark registration.

The cost to register a trademark outside of the U.S. varies by country and/or region therefor you will have to identify the specific countries where you are interested in obtaining trademark protection.

Flat Fee Trademark offers affordable, flat rate trademark registration services outside of the United States through our network of local trademark attorneys and agents.


Register an International Trademark Online

Trademark owners seeking international trademark registration have two options to protect their trademarks in other countries or regions.


International trademark registration made easy online


Applicants may apply to several countries under the Madrid System for International Registration (also known as the Madrid Protocol).

Unlike regional trademark registration agreements or treaties, the Madrid Protocol does not provide comprehensive trademark registration and protection in every Member State. Rather, it allows trademark owners from the various Members States to file a single application that can be extended to obtain protection in other Member States. It is a streamlined process to apply for an international trademark registration in several countries through one application and filing fees vary for each Member State.


Madrid System Registration Protocol

Many countries and regions, are not covered by the Madrid Protocol, for example, Canada, Mexico, India and manyInternational brand Registration, expand your business Asian and Latin American countries but under these circumstances, trademark owners may seek international trademark registration by filing directly with the trademark office of the country or countries where they are seeking trademark protection.

As a result, it may also be more cost-effective to apply for trademark registration directly in the designated countries than through the Madrid Protocol, even for countries within the Madrid System.

Flat Fee Trademark have established relationships with an extensive network of trademark attorneys and trademark agents in various countries in order to serve the needs of our U.S. and international clients seeking foreign trademarks.


In-house International Trademark Registration Services

Flat Fee trademark currently offer in-house international trademark registration services in Canada, the European Union with the Office for Harmonization of the Internal Market (OHIM), the United Kingdom, Australia and countries under the Madrid Protocol.

Please contact us at (800) 769-7790 for a complimentary consultation or send an us email for more information regarding international trademark applications and current fees.

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