Arkansas Trademark Attorneys
If you’re a business owner who wants to protect your company’s brand name or logo, look no further than Arkansas trademark attorneys, Flat Fee Trademark! Trademarking prevents your intellectual property from misuse but it can be a stressful process. Flat Fee Trademark will take the worry out of trademarking your corporate identity.
Brought to you by top attorneys Minott Gore P.A., Flat Fee Trademark’s flat fee policy ensures you will not have any nasty surprises when you receive the bill!
How does it work?
You’ll receive a free initial consultation call, during which a trademark attorney will advise you. Afterwards, they will assist you in completing their online comprehensive trademark search and registration application. Throughout the process, they’ll keep you informed of your application’s status and be with you every step of the way.
An unlicensed attorney may be cheaper, but they cannot offer you legal advice and this usually leads to hidden charges. In contrast to other attorneys, these Arkansas trademark attorneys are licensed and can give legal advice when there are disputes. With cybersquatting on the rise, it’s good to know Flat Fee Trademark can utilise the full extent of the law to prevent misuse of your domain and issue Cease & Desist letters if necessary.
After successfully registering your trademark, you’re also required to file renewal claims every few years. You could lose the entire trademark as a result of just one missed filing, so Flat Fee Trademark will remind you when deadlines are due so you never risk losing your entitlement to the trademark.
Finally, companies exporting products abroad will be interested to hear that Flat Fee Trademark’s attorneys are experts in international trademark registration as well.
Clients Requiring an Arkansas Trademark Attorney
Flat Fee Trademark offers a full and complete insight into trademark infringement, copyright registration, trademark oppositions, trademark renewal as well as international trademark registration.
Flat Fee Trademark also offers trademark services for the more complex trademark matters you may encounter, including:
- Office Action Responses
- Trademark Oppositions before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
- Trademark Petitions (Letters of Protest)
- Requests to Revive an Application, Trademark Cancellation
- Trademark Renewal filings to maintain active trademark registration
- Trademark Monitoring services
- Co-Existence Agreements
- Trademark Assignments and other Intellectual Property Agreements
- Federal Trademark Registration
Flat Fee Trademark covers Little Rock, Fort Smith, Fayetteville, Springdale, Jonesboro, North Little Rock, Conway, Rogers, Pine Bluff, Bentonville, Hot Springs, Benton, Sherwood, Texarkana, Russellville, Jacksonville, Bella Vista, Paragould, West Memphis, Cabot, Searcy, Van Buren, Bryant, El Dorado and all other areas of Arkansas.
For a free consultation, please call one of our trademark attorneys on 1-800-769-7790 or email us using our contact form.