FlatFee Trademark Attorney Serena Minott explains why busy entrepreneurs and business owners choose flatfeetrademark.com to register their trademarks, logos and slogans.

flatfeetrademark.com is an online trademark attorney service, offering affordable flat fee trademark registration services to clients in all 50 U.S. states and internationally.

Our team of experienced trademark attorneys handle your trademark search and registration process from start to finish.

Unlike many other online companies that cannot provide legal advice, flatfeetrademark.com is a full trademark attorney service, providing professional trademark registration services at a flat fee price, rather than charging by the hour.

Working with a trademark attorney from the outset helps to avoid costly pitfalls and refusals at the USPTO that can slow or block the trademark registration process.

Our personalized approach to client service ensures you know the trademark attorney responsible for your application, and you can always reach us with a quick telephone call, email or via Live Chat at www.flatfeetrademark.com

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