Keesonga Gore explains how to get started with the trademarking process with Flat Fee Trademark’s secure online trademark registration order form. When you’re ready to begin the trademark registration process, you can complete our secure order form, enter your trademark information, including the trademark name, the goods or services offered in connection with your trademark, the date of first use if your mark is currently in use, and the trademark owner details.
Trademark Protection Attorney and Law Firm
The trademark attorneys & lawyers of our law firm help in trademark registration. Register trademark, trademark filing, trademark name search for $675 from Miami, Florida based Flat Fee Trademark serv…
Your initial payment of $675 covers our professional service fees for the search and application process. Once your order is received, a Flat Fee Trademark attorney may contact you via email or telephone if we have any questions about your order or to request any additional information needed to complete your trademark search and application.
You can expect to receive the trademark search report and Attorney Opinion letter within 4-5 business days. Once the search is completed, you will receive the electronic trademark application for review and signature 1-2 days later. If the application meets your approval, you sign off and we complete the filing with the USPTO. Your applicable government filing fees will be due at this time.
Once filed, it will take approximately 9-12 months to obtain a registration from the USPTO. During this time, we continue to serve as your Attorney of Record and we will monitor your application pending registration. We will respond to any non-substantive Office Actions issued by the USPTO and keep you informed of any relevant changes in the status of your application. In addition, we provide you with a trademark application Serial Number so you can check the status of your application at any time by logging onto the USPTO website. Once your mark is registered, we will send you an electronic copy of your Registration Certificate. We are always just a phone call away if you have any questions during the registration process, (800) 769-7790.