Filing a Trademark for Amazon Brand Registry

Amazon Brand Registry enables you to more accurately represent your brand on Amazon. Our team of experienced trademark attorneys are available to assist you in securing your brand name when selling on the world’s largest marketplace! 

Amazon Brand Registry allows you to more easily find and report trademark violations, and share information that helps Amazon proactively prevent violations. This article shares information on Amazon Brand Registry program and how our trademark attorneys can help you protect your trademark and qualify for the Amazon program.

Under Amazon Brand Registry guidelines, sellers using the Amazon e-commerce platform are required to have a pending trademark application (USPTO serial number) or a federal registered trademark  (USPTO registration number) in order to qualify for Amazon Brand Registry and the enhanced trademark protections offered through the program. This means you must first apply for and obtain a federal trademark registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in order to apply.  

What is the benefit of the Amazon Brand Registry?

Amazon Brand Registry helps you to protect your pending and registered trademarks on Amazon and create an accurate and trusted experience for your customers.

Enrollment in the Amazon Brand Registry provides access to powerful tools including proprietary text and image search for your trademark, predictive automation based on your reports of suspected intellectual property rights violations, and increased authority over product listings with your brand name.

Some of the preemptive benefits of submitting your trademark on Amazon include:

  • Identifying product listings that incorrectly use your trademarked terms in their titles.
  • Finding images that contain your logo, but are for products that don’t bear your trademark name.
  • Alerting you to sellers shipping products from countries in which you do not manufacture or distribute your brand.
  • Identifying product listings that contain your brand name when you have already listed your full product catalog on Amazon.

The Amazon Brand Registry empowers trademark owners and Amazon to work together to reduce potential intellectual property rights violations and promote an accurate representation of your brand on Amazon.

How to Get a Trademark on Amazon Brand Registry

The first step to qualify is to apply for federal trademark registration with the USPTO. There are certain requirements your trademark must meet in order to obtain registration.

Start with a Comprehensive Trademark Search

The first and most important step our trademark attorneys recommend when protecting your trademark on Amazon is to start with a comprehensive trademark search. You cannot register a trademark that is the same as or similar to an existing trademark and used on related goods. Our trademark attorneys always start with a comprehensive trademark search before filing a trademark application and applying for Amazon Brand Registry.

Your trademark may be a text mark (word mark) or an image mark (stylized logo mark). Your mark must be distinctive and qualify for registration on the Principal Register. At the time of writing, Amazon does not accept marks registered on the Supplemental Register for enrollment in Amazon Brand Registry.

Once the trademark search shows that your brand name or trademark is available and does not infringe on anyone else’s trademark rights, you can apply for federal trademark registration with the USPTO. A federal registered trademark gives you nationwide priority ownership rights in your brand name.

Filing a Federal Trademark Application

Following the trademark search, our attorneys will prepare and file your federal trademark application with the USPTO. You will receive a trademark serial number, which you can use to track the status of your application at any time. Once your application is filed with the USPTO, you can use your trademark serial number to begin your request for enrollment in Amazon Brand Registry. The USPTO application process takes approximately 8-12 months to obtain registration. Once your mark is registered, we will notify you and send you an electronic copy of your registered trademark certificate. 

Amazon Brand Registry Verification Code

During your enrollment, Amazon will request a verification code to confirm your ownership of the trademark or brand name. Amazon will send the verification code to our law office (as the attorney of record listed on your trademark application). You must contact us in writing via email to request your verification pin. We do not provide verification pin numbers over the phone. Our law office will forward the verification code to you once received.

A Federal Trademark Registration Strengthens Your Rights

Having a federally registered trademark strengthens your intellectual property rights. Besides the rights conferred by U.S. trademark law, Amazon sellers can now use the Amazon Brand Registry to safeguard their trademark rights. This includes prohibiting the sale of counterfeit goods, and the sale of any products that have been illegally procured, replicated, reproduced, or manufactured.

Under the Brand Registry rules, only registered trademark owners are eligible for the added protections of the program. Since having a federally registered trademark creates a presumption of ownership in your favor, this minimizes the amount of verification you need to prove ownership of your trademark or brand.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you have any questions about protecting your trademark on Amazon, please contact our team of experienced trademark attorneys for a complimentary consultation.

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