Illinois Trademark Attorneys
Protecting intellectual property in today’s demanding global market is essential. Trademark registration is a complex area of business law but using a trademark attorney will help save time and money. Illinois trademark attorneys, Flat Fee Trademark offer an online comprehensive trademark search and registration application which you will find quick and easy to use.
Created by top lawyers Minott Gore P.A., Flat Fee Trademark offers a free initial consultation call with a trademark attorney to assess your company’s requirements. They’ll then send you an attorney prepared opinion letter and help you through the submitting the trademark application.
Flat Free Trademark quote a flat fee for their services, therefore you can be confident there are no hidden charges. Because they are licensed attorneys (unlike some) they are able to give you legal advice during the application process, should it be required. This also means they can send Cease & Desist letters on your behalf and mediate in disputes. They have solutions to any issue you might encounter along your journey to registering your trademark.
Additionally, international trademark registration is offered by Flat Fee Trademark, if your company exports products outside the United States. Flat Fee Trademark will also remind you when your trademark is due for renewal, after five years, so you won’t risk losing it.
Clients Requiring an Illinois Trademark Attorney
Flat Fee Trademark offers a full and complete insight into trademark infringement, copyright registration, trademark oppositions, trademark renewal as well as international trademark registration.
Flat Fee Trademark also offers trademark services for the more complex trademark matters you may encounter, including:
- Office Action Responses
- Trademark Oppositions before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
- Trademark Petitions (Letters of Protest)
- Requests to Revive an Application, Trademark Cancellation
- Trademark Renewal filings to maintain active trademark registration
- Trademark Monitoring services
- Co-Existence Agreements
- Trademark Assignments and other Intellectual Property Agreements
- Federal Trademark Registration
Flat Fee Trademark covers Chicago, Aurora, Rockford, Joliet, Naperville, Springfield, Peoria, Elgin, Waukegan, Champaign, Cicero, Bloomington, Arlington Heights, Evanston, Schaumburg, Bolingbrook, Decatur, Palatine, Skokie, Des Plaines, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Oak Lawn, Berwyn and all other areas of Illinois.
For a free consultation, please call one of our trademark attorneys on 1-800-769-7790 or email us using our contact form.