Alabama Trademark Attorneys
Have you just started a business or have an existing company, and wish to trademark your brand name or logo? Alabama trademark attorneys, Flat Fee Trademark know how daunting this can be if you’re not familiar with trademark law. Their online comprehensive trademark search and registration application makes registering a trademark a simple and stress-free experience.
Top law firm Minott Gore P.A. created Flat Fee Trademark because they could see a need for a low-cost flat fee service that would take the pain out of trademarking your company. Their licensed attorneys are experts at guiding a trademark application through the USPTO trademarking registration system.
They’ll begin by conducting a free initial consultation call with you, to assess the best way forward for your company. Afterwards, you’ll be provided with an attorney prepared opinion letter so that you know exactly how the application will proceed.
As well as assisting with the registration process they can, in contrast to unlicensed attorneys, offer legal advice if needed. This includes issuing Cease & Desist letters if someone is using your intellectual property illegally and mediation on your behalf in disputes over domains.
Trademark registration needs to be kept up-to-date – between the 5th and 6th year of registration you’re required to renew your trademark claim. Flat Fee Trademark will keep you informed when the deadline for renewal is due so you never risk losing your copyright.
Federal trademark registration only covers the United States, so for companies exporting products overseas, it’s good to know that Flat Fee Trademark are experts in international trademark registration as well.
So if you’re looking for an Alabama trademark attorneys, give Flat Fee Trademark a call today. You’ll be glad you did!
Clients Requiring an Alabama Trademark Attorney
Flat Fee Trademark offers a full and complete insight into trademark infringement, copyright registration, trademark oppositions, trademark renewal as well as international trademark registration.
Flat Fee Trademark also offers trademark services for the more complex trademark matters you may encounter, including:
- Office Action Responses
- Trademark Oppositions before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
- Trademark Petitions (Letters of Protest)
- Requests to Revive an Application, Trademark Cancellation
- Trademark Renewal filings to maintain active trademark registration
- Trademark Monitoring services
- Co-Existence Agreements
- Trademark Assignments and other Intellectual Property Agreements
- Federal Trademark Registration
Flat Fee Trademark covers Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Hoover, Dothan, Auburn, Decatur, Madison, Florence, Phenix City, Gadsden, Prattville, Vestavia Hills, Alabaster, Opelika, Enterprise, Bessemer, Homewood, Northport, Athens, Daphne, Pelham and all other areas of Alabama.
For a free consultation, please call one of our trademark attorneys on 1-800-769-7790 or email us using our contact form.