Texas Trademark Attorneys


Protecting intellectual property in today’s demanding global market is essential. If you have a business requiring a Texas trademark attorneys to assist in registering a trademark, Flat Fee Trademark could be just the people to help.  Flat Fee Trademark is a trademark law firm which represents clients in all 50 states.  Flat Fee Trademark is an online trademarking service, provided by Minott Gore P.A., assisting businesses in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and other parts of Texas with online trademark registration.

Trademark registration is a complex area of business law but using these Texas trademark attorneys will help save time and money.

There are many advantages to using a licensed trademark attorney from Flat Fee Trademark.


Comprehensive Trademark Search and Registration


The difference between success or failure for any business no matter how large or small can depend on choosing the right name and brand.

  • A trademark attorney then assists with a comprehensive trademark search and guides you through the registration process.
  • A trademark attorney then prepares a trademark opinion letter for the client explaining the results.


Trademark Oppositions


A trademark opposition maybe encountered at some point during the trademark application process which a trademark attorney will assist with.


Trademark Infringement


Trademark infringement happens when an entity encroaches upon your trademark or you encroaching upon theirs. A comprehensive trademark search for your brand name or federal trademark registration will avoid trademark infringement and a lawsuit being filed.


Trademark Renewal


In order to maintain active registration status at the USPTO, there are several trademark renewal filings due over the life of your trademark that must be filed in a timely manner, This helps avoiding cancellation of your registration.


Domain Disputes


 E-commerce businesses could be familiar with the term domain disputes or cyber squatting. Cyber squatting on a domain name and diluting your brand is one of the may things that can happen.  Flat Fee Trademark’s experts have a solution to every problem so you can be sure you’re in good hands.


International Trademark Registration


Businesses trading or manufacturing products outside the US can still protect their assets by using Flat Fee Trademark’s international trademark registration service. This is necessary because Federal trademarks only cover the US and does not protect your brand outside of the United States.


Clients Requiring a Texas Trademark Attorney


Flat Fee Trademark offers a full and complete insight into trademark infringement, copyright registration, trademark oppositions, trademark renewal as well as international trademark registration.

Flat Fee Trademark also offers trademark services for the more complex trademark matters you may encounter, including:


Flat Fee Trademark covers Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, El Paso, Arlington, Corpus Christi, Plano, Laredo, Lubbock, Garland, Irving, Amarillo, Grand Prairie, Brownsville, McKinney, Pasadena, Frisco, Mesquite, Killeen, McAllen, Waco, Carrollton and all other areas of Texas.

For a free consultation, please call one of our trademark attorneys on 1-800-769-7790 or email us using our contact form.

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